My First Convention...
11:02 pm
Recently I went to my first convention... ever.
I wanted to share my experience.
I know conventions aren't for everyone. Even less so ones based around YouTube, niche I know. But nonetheless some people who I think are pretty cool and who make videos on the internet were going, so I thought, why not try it out!
This was a very adventurous thing for me considering I was also travelling interstate by myself.
Regarding convention itself, this was also their first ever Vidcon Australia, so there were firsts all round.
Point A of my Vidcon feedback is that all in all it was a great time, it brought together like minded people which made for an inclusive and interesting experience. My personal thoughts on the convention was that while it need working on, it was still fantastic.
Things like panels reaching capacity and scheduling could be worked on but they're also learning through this experience and so how could they know all!
I bought a Creator's Pass (while not actually a creator... does this count?). Basically there were 3 Tracks. Community, Creator and Industry. Community is for the more fangirl and fanboy types. I didn't get this as I don't scream and cry over people of notoriety, hardly even get starstruck really.
Anything to avoid big crowds and people creating unsafe environments by running after YouTubers trying to take a bathroom break. Yes this happened... and the two people I was having lunch with cringed almost as hard as I did... almost.
The Industry Track is more my style. Panels with industry experts, teaching you about the platform from a business perspective, but considering the tickets were $600, I wasn't quite ready to fork that much out on my first convention. Maybe next year.
This leaves the Creator Track, somewhere in the middle, business based but still involved in the fan culture. I really enjoyed it! I got to hear the opinions of some people that I respect as they spoke of things that they are passionate about, and that's super cool. I even got a picture with one!
It was a really great learning experience and something I'd definitely do again. It allowed me to hear some amazing stories and being by myself allowed me to come out of my comfort zone and interact with people I wouldn't have otherwise met. As someone who is socially awkward and not one to start a conversation, this was a really cool thing for me.
Overall it was a great time and something that can be improved and expanded on. It's a great learning curve, and provided you steer clear of the screamers, it's awesome!
If you choose to attend a convention, just make sure you bring snacks and plenty of water. Packing out my schedule meant that I had to plan ahead and keep hydrated.
I highly encourage people to go to conventions they are interested in, this allowed me to take the knowledge that seasoned professionals possess and use this to improve myself. Although be sure that when meeting people you admire that you remember they too are human. No one wants to be trampled and treated like a prize you show off to your friends. There are there for you, but that does not mean you own them.
I also have two little things to add...
1. Keep an eye out. I'll soon be turning this blog page into an actual website! I'm super excited about this so it'll be all over my social media. Stay tuned!
2. Going to this convention has made me consider delving into the YouTube world. I am unsure and not entirely confident about this prospect but let me know if this is something you think I should do. It would be my blog in video form, a vlog if you will...