6 Things I Suggest To Stress Less

1:09 am

Stress is natural. It happens to everybody at least once in their life and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Whether you’re in high school with a big assignment due soon, in university/ TAFE where your classes are beginning pile up or you’ve just graduated and are worried about finding a job in the ‘real world,’ stress doesn’t discriminate, it happens to everyone.
I myself have certain stressors, but I also have methods to somewhat overcome said stressors, and while these methods may not work for everyone, they are just some of the ways I like to relax and take a bit of time for myself.

Here are the things I suggest in order to stress less:

1.       Grab A Candle And Go To Your Room

Something I like to do to calm myself down and remove myself from the worries of life is to become a recluse. Well, not quite a recluse, but I like to take some time to myself for a while. Having some candles within reach is a great way to create a calmer atmosphere tailored to you (I currently have Shadow HomewaresVanilla & Brown Sugar candle from Rice Furniture burning beside me). From there, I recommend just doing something simple that you enjoy. Whether it be reading books or blogs or watching movies, TV shows or YouTube, pick something you can zone out to and just relax for a while. You time is always necessary.

2.       Go For A Run
Had you told me a year ago that exercise was calming I would have rolled my eyes through the back of my head and walked away, but people change. I enjoy going running (less so right now considering the 30 degree days filled with humidity) but it is a great way to clear your head. Throw together an exercise playlist and go for it. It may be tough initially to get out and run (it still takes me a while to get off the couch) but it allows you to just zone out while you’re exercising and once you get home you’ll feel like you’ve been productive, which is always a bonus.

3.       Write

This may be a little more niche. As someone who enjoys writing I find it calming to type out what I need to sort out in my own head but no, I don’t keep a journal. A lot of what I create actually ends up going on my blog, this process results in me writing about the things I enjoy and gets me into a good mindset. Now, I know many people aren’t as fond of the English language as I am and that’s cool, find your equivalent. I just find it great to distract myself by sharing what I love.

4.       Plan Out Your Week

Again, maybe more specific, but hey, these are just ways I like to de-stress and some of them may even work for you.
Now look, I’m a pedantic person who likes to write everything down. Therefore, a diary/ planner is a necessity for me. Making notes in my phone about what I have to do each day is perfect for me. It lets me see what I have going on for that specific day and allows me to organise when I have to get certain tasks completed by. I’m university tutor/ lecturers dream. Anyway, I also have a weekly planner set up on my desk. This gives me a brief rundown of any and all work times, appointments and events going on that week. I’m prone to thinking I’ve forgotten things, so planners and diaries are my saving grace.

5.       Talk It Out

I’m very lucky that I have great friends who don’t mind me complaining. If I’ve had a stressful day coming home and talking about it to friends/ family is a great feeling. It lets you debrief and vocalise what you’re feeling or thinking. I’ve always heard you shouldn’t bottle things up and this is no exception. No matter how small or big your stressor is, good friends will listen, give an opinion if needed and let you talk about your day.

6.       Shopping

So this one may be a little less healthy than the others but nonetheless it helps me relax. I now introduce, RETAIL THERAPY! I find something very comforting about wandering through shops and trying things on, finding items that look good on you and walking out with something new in your life. Even online shopping is great, light that candle and shop from the comfort of your home, luxury! Obviously, we shouldn’t overdo ourselves, just because you’re stressed out doesn’t mean you should blow your rent money, that’ll only cause more stress, but there’s no harm in window shopping and maybe buying a couple of nice pieces.

 These are some of my quick-fire ways to destress. Of course, not all of these suggestions are for everyone and some work better in different situations but I think these are some easy ways to keep calm and carry on, as they say.

This website also provides some great apps to help reduce stress and anxiety if my suggestions aren't quite your speed.

I hope that whatever you’re doing and wherever you are you find ways to stay balanced in your work and personal life.


If you have any other suggestions on how to keep the stress to a minimum, I’d love to hear about them.


Pictures and Words by Nicole Dickson

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